Sunday, 15 September 2013
EGLISE EVANGELIQUE PENIEL E.E.P: PREACH THE WORD: PREACH THE WORD OF GOD Passage - Proverbs 29:18 Compare Translations for Proverbs 29:18 Proverbs 29:18 NIV Where the...
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
EGLISE EVANGELIQUE PENIEL E.E.P: BON ANNIVERSAIRE FABIEN: BON ANNIVERSAIRE EV. FABIEN BONDO Je suis tres heureux en ce grand jour de mon Anniversaire, je dis merci a ...
Mark 10:9 “let no one split apart what God has
joined together."
‘’What therefore God has joined together, let
not man separate."
MARC 10:9
Segond Bible (1910)
Que l'homme donc ne sépare pas ce que Dieu a joint.
Que l'homme donc ne sépare pas ce que Dieu a joint.
Darby Bible (1859 / 1880)
Ce donc que Dieu a uni, que l'homme ne le sépare pas.
Ce donc que Dieu a uni, que l'homme ne le sépare pas.
Martin Bible (1744)
Que l'homme donc ne sépare pas ce que Dieu a joint.
Que l'homme donc ne sépare pas ce que Dieu a joint.
Je suis tres heureux
en ce grand jour de mon Anniversaire, je dis merci a Dieu Tout Puissant et a
mon Seigneur et Sauveur Jesus Christ, pour sa protection depuis le jour de ma
naissance jusqu'a present, je dis encore merci a mes parents pour l'amour qu'ils
ont pour moi et leur orientation dans ma vie, que Dieu le Pere, le Fils et le
Saint Esprit que je sers, soit une source de benediction dans leur vies.
Ev. Fabien Bondo
Il est un Dieu que
j'appelle Eben-ezer
« Samuel prit
une pierre, qu’il placa entre Mitspa et Schen, et il l’appela du Nom d’Eben-Ezer,
en disant : Jusqu’ici l’Eternel nous a secourus. »
I am very happy in this great
day of my birthday, I say thank you to God Almighty
and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for his
protection from the day I was
born until now, I still say
thank you to my parents for the love they have for
me and their direction
in my life, God the
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, whom I
serve, be a source of blessing in their lives.
Ev. Fabien Bondo
He is a God that I called Ebenezer
“Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Miztpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying: Thus far has the Lord helped us”
Ev. Fabien Bondo
He is a God that I called Ebenezer
“Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Miztpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying: Thus far has the Lord helped us”
1Samuel 7:12
Sunday, 26 May 2013
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Social Siege: Contact:
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a church does not respond to the needs of people of its generation, the church
has failed its mission.”
"Lorsqu’une église ne répond pas aux besoins des gens de
sa génération, cette église a échouée sa mission." Martin
Bishop and Legal Representative
1. Since 1993, After crossing time quite difficult in my life, seeking the solution to my problems, I received the call from God and our Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of my life and so far, I currently run a large church thereafter renamed Evangelical Church Peniel (Genesis 32:30), it had first started as a simple group prayer and then became a church and I am in the ministry for over 19 years. I have always got a principle in my ministry as Josue "Me and my house, we will serve the Lord ..." Joshua 24:15.
2. We believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Our church has a number of branches in the country and eight are based in the city of Lubumbashi, the seat of the Church is based in the same city in the province of Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo, with several pastors in its branches.
3. However, I am married to Mrs. Faustine Mujinga Mombe and father of 11 children, 4 Boys and Girls 7. Our church work in collaboration with the New Covenant Ministries based in South Africa, the ministry through which I attended several seminars and training in leadership in Malawi, South Africa, Nairobi Kenya and Democratic Republic of the Congo.
I also have several friends in countries like Uganda Pastor Grace, Christopher and Steve pastors in Mombasa, Kenya, Rev. Jo Ann Count the United States and several other pastors in Congo more than I can enumerate.
The Evangelical Church Peniel (EEP) received the whole Bible as the inspired Word of God. It remains in the evangelical faith away from modernism, tradition, custom, high criticism of the new theology and fanaticism in any form and proclaims the Gospel in its full simplicity, his eternal power and absolute confidence in all scriptural statements, namely:
1 The Scriptures are the inspired Word of God, the infallible rule of faith and conduct the meeting in general and Christians in particular (2 Timothy 3: 15-17, 2 Peter 1: 21)
2 The unit of the one true and living God who is eternally existent in Himself. The "I AM" who is revealed as one in three persons (Deuteronomy 6: 4; Exodus 3: 14, Matthew 28: 19, Mark 12: 29, John 8: 58)
3 The Fall of Man, created pure and innocent, but fell into sin by voluntary transgression (Genesis 1: 26-31, 3: 17, Romans 5: 12-21)
4 The salvation in Jesus Christ who died for our sins, who was buried and resurrected. Redemption is gained through his blood (Rom 10: 8-15; Corinthians 15: 3-4, Titus 2: 11 and 3: 5-7)
5 ° Baptism by immersion ordered those who have gone through repentance and received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord (Matthew 28: 19, Mark 16: 16, Acts 10: 17-18)
1. Since 1993, After crossing time quite difficult in my life, seeking the solution to my problems, I received the call from God and our Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of my life and so far, I currently run a large church thereafter renamed Evangelical Church Peniel (Genesis 32:30), it had first started as a simple group prayer and then became a church and I am in the ministry for over 19 years. I have always got a principle in my ministry as Josue "Me and my house, we will serve the Lord ..." Joshua 24:15.
2. We believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Our church has a number of branches in the country and eight are based in the city of Lubumbashi, the seat of the Church is based in the same city in the province of Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo, with several pastors in its branches.
3. However, I am married to Mrs. Faustine Mujinga Mombe and father of 11 children, 4 Boys and Girls 7. Our church work in collaboration with the New Covenant Ministries based in South Africa, the ministry through which I attended several seminars and training in leadership in Malawi, South Africa, Nairobi Kenya and Democratic Republic of the Congo.
I also have several friends in countries like Uganda Pastor Grace, Christopher and Steve pastors in Mombasa, Kenya, Rev. Jo Ann Count the United States and several other pastors in Congo more than I can enumerate.
The Evangelical Church Peniel (EEP) received the whole Bible as the inspired Word of God. It remains in the evangelical faith away from modernism, tradition, custom, high criticism of the new theology and fanaticism in any form and proclaims the Gospel in its full simplicity, his eternal power and absolute confidence in all scriptural statements, namely:
1 The Scriptures are the inspired Word of God, the infallible rule of faith and conduct the meeting in general and Christians in particular (2 Timothy 3: 15-17, 2 Peter 1: 21)
2 The unit of the one true and living God who is eternally existent in Himself. The "I AM" who is revealed as one in three persons (Deuteronomy 6: 4; Exodus 3: 14, Matthew 28: 19, Mark 12: 29, John 8: 58)
3 The Fall of Man, created pure and innocent, but fell into sin by voluntary transgression (Genesis 1: 26-31, 3: 17, Romans 5: 12-21)
4 The salvation in Jesus Christ who died for our sins, who was buried and resurrected. Redemption is gained through his blood (Rom 10: 8-15; Corinthians 15: 3-4, Titus 2: 11 and 3: 5-7)
5 ° Baptism by immersion ordered those who have gone through repentance and received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord (Matthew 28: 19, Mark 16: 16, Acts 10: 17-18)
6 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, the initial signal is speaking in tongues (Acts 2: 4-8, 10: 44-46 and 19: 6)
7 ° The Holiness of life (thought, speech, behavior) in obedience to God's command: "Be holy" (1 Peter 1: 15-16, 1 Thessalonians 5: 23, Hebrews 12: 14, 1 John 2 : 6)
8 ° Divine healing, that is to say, the issue of acquired disease of Jesus at Calvary (Isaiah 53: 4-5, Matthew 8: 16-17, Mark 16: 16; Jacques 5: 14)
9 ° The Lord's Supper or Communion under both species, ordered all believers until the Lord comes (Luke 22: 14-20, 1 Corinthians 11: 23-24)
10 ° The pre-millennial second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself blessed hope set before all believers ... (1 Corinthians 15: 20-24, 15: 51-57, 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-17; Apocalypse 20: 4 -5)
11 ° The eternal punishment of those who are not written in the Book of Life (Matthew 25 and 26; Apocalypse 20: 11-15)
12 ° The gifts of the Holy Spirit and the various departments in the New Testament (Ephesians 4: 11-12, 1 Corinthians 12).
The Evangelical Church Peniel, we are working on setting goals and targets:
Peniel Evangelical Church is committed to:
- The establishment of a church as a "spiritual hospital" working and forming men and women's personal intervention with individuals to provide healing and complete restoration of their lives (family, emotional, psychological and spiritual)
- To be profoundly important family in the heart of the believer and the church,
- The restoration of family priorities and the importance of support, education and catering to every member of the family,
- A transparent, family and imbued with humility, dedication and integrity, for the establishment of the church strong personal life,
-. The various ministries oriented "youth", "children", "adolescents", "people only", the "couples", the "older" ... etc, all kinds of services, motivating, and calling challenging our generation to a personal relationship with God and a radical commitment to the principles of Scripture,
- To Teach moral and spiritual commitment to the children,
- A freedom of praise and live worship led and listen to the Holy Spirit, to be true worshipers of the Lord in Spirit and in Truth
- A vision to promote the gospel for the Congolese people supported by the works of compassion and a way of life in the image of Christ,
- A team of responsible, committed, close, united and integrated, establishing and respecting the gifts and ministries of each model according to the New Testament,
- A lifetime commitment to the long-term vision of the Evangelical Church Peniel, being a church for those who do not go to church,
Our Goal:
- Bring our contemporaries to discover Jesus and become members of his family (the Church).
- Develop spiritual maturity of each member in the likeness of Christ.
- Equip each member for his ministry in the church and its mission in this world, to glorify the Lord's name.
You are all welcome
Peniel Evangelical Church
Jacob Bondo Nduba
Eglise Evangelique Peniel (E.E.P)
"Dieu parle cependant, tantôt d'une manière, tantôt d'une autre, et l'on n'y prend point garde" Job 33.14
L'Éternel, le vrai Dieu, désire se révéler à l'humanité
entière et il le fait par le moyen de sa Parole. C'est son moyen favori ! Il
désire nous révéler sa Parole parce que sa Parole nous révèle sa personne, sa
nature, ses oeuvres et sa volonté. Elle révèle aussi son dessein à l'égard des
êtres humains et de son peuple, l'Église.
Dieu n'est pas limité dans ses moyens de révélations !
De nos jours, la Bible est un des plus puissants
moyens par lequel Dieu se révèle. La Bible est la Parole de Dieu. La Bible
n'est ni une parole de Dieu, ni un livre où Dieu parle, Elle est la Parole de
Dieu !
Mais attention, une approche intellectuelle de ce
livre ne suffit pas pour connaître Dieu. Il est important de chercher Dieu avec
son cœur et de parcourir les Saintes Écritures avec un cœur ouvert. Comme l'a
si bien déclaré un scientifique : "Dieu ne se prouve pas, il se rencontre
On peut connaître la Bible sur le bout des doigts
et pourtant n'avoir aucune communion avec Dieu, être mort sur le plan
spirituel, être tout simplement un cadavre instruit ! Le diable en est le
parfait exemple. Il est coupé de Dieu et pourtant, il connaît bien la Parole.
Celui qui ouvre la Bible devrait chercher à mieux
connaître Dieu car le plus important, n'est-il pas de le connaître
personnellement ?
Une prière pour aujourd'hui
Seigneur, bien que je connaisse ta Parole, je suis
si loin de toi spirituellement. Je veux te rencontrer personnellement et
entretenir une véritable relation avec toi. Sois le Seigneur de ma vie dès à
présent. Au nom de Jésus. Amen.
Evangeliste Fabien BONDO
« Quand il n’y
a pas de Vision, le peuple est sans frein ; Heureux s’il observe la Loi. »
Il s'agit d'un livre de paroles de sagesse, pour enseigner aux gens comment vivre une vie pieuse ou agreable par la répétition de pensées sages.
Salomon a écrit la plupart de ces proverbes au début de son règne, avec Agur et Lemuel contribuant certaines des sections ultérieures.
Il était le fils du roi David. Lorsque David est mort, il lui succéda comme roi d'Israël. Et au cours de son 40 ans de reigne, Salomon a conduit la nation au statut de superpuissance. (Voir 1 Rois 4:29-30).
Le thème principal des Proverbes, comme on pourrait s'y attendre, c'est la nature de la vraie sagesse. Salomon a écrit: «La crainte de l'Eternel est le commencement de la sagesse; Les insensés méprisent la sagesse et l’instruction." (1:7).
Il procède ensuite à donner des centaines d'exemples pratiques de la façon de vivre selon la sagesse divine.
Le livre des Proverbes est divisé en trois parties suivantes:
A. Sagesse pour les jeunes (1 :1-9 :18)
B. Sagesse pour toutes les personnes (10:1 - 24:34)
C. Sagesse pour les dirigeants (25:1-31:31)
Mais moi, aujourd'hui, je vais me concentrer sur la troisième partie du livre, spécialement chapitre 29, les Proverbes qui contraste de relations entre les méchants et les justes.
Proverbes 29:18 déclare:
« Quand il n’y a pas de Vision, le peuple est sans frein ; Heureux s’il observe la Loi. »
J'ai intitulé mon message comme suit:
Souligner le mot «Vision»
LA VISION; Selon John Maxwell est:
- La Sensibilisation - La capacité de voir
-L’ Attitude - la foi pour croire
- L’Action - le courage de faire
George Barna dit: "Une Vision est un reflet de ce que Dieu veut accomplir à travers nous pour construire son royaume"
- La Vision ici est un mot hébreu
- Ce qui veut dire révélation divine ou la direction, la perspicacité de Dieu?
Ce n'est pas un rêve de construire une grande église, ce qui n'est pas mauvais encore, mais dans ce contexte la VISION est la Parole de Dieu. La direction de Dieu pour son peuple.
C'est un moyen par lequel Dieu fait connaître ses pensées à son peuple.
Cela signifie l'instruction dans la vérité de Dieu, qui était par les prophètes, à travers des visions.
Le message n'a pas été adressé aux païens, mais pour le peuple de Dieu. Par conséquent, là où il n'ya pas de vision, il n'y a pas de lumière qui est la Parole de Dieu et qui est Jésus-Christ Lui-même, mais c’est seulement l'obscurité qui règne.
Jean 1:1 et le verset 14
La Parole s'est faite chair
«1 Au commencement était la Parole, et la Parole était avec Dieu, et la Parole était Dieu.
14 Et la Parole s'est faite chair, et elle a habité parmi nous, pleine de grace et de verite,et nous avons contemple sa gloire, une gloire comme la gloire du Fils unique venu du Père. "
Peuple de Dieu, il ya un grand danger de vivre sans la Parole de Dieu, sans Jésus-Christ, nous allons périr, c'est une grande opportunité pour vous et moi de faire un choix clair entre lumière et obscurité, vie et mort.
David dit dans Psaume 119 :105 ;
«Ta parole est une lampe à mes pieds et une lumière sur mon sentier."
1 Samuel 3:1 dit:
Le Seigneur appelle Samuel
« Le jeune Samuel etait au service de l’Eternel devant Eli. La Parole de l’Eternel etait rare en ce temps-la, les visions n’etaient pas frequentes. »
- Ce fut une période sombre et d’un grand désastre pour Israël, la Gloire de Dieu avait quitté, Eli, le prêtre et ses deux fils étaient morts, Dieu appela Samuel de ramener sa parole parmi le peuple.
- Aujourd'hui, peuple de Dieu, nous n'avons pas le prophète Samuel, mais nous avons celui qui est plus grand que Samuel, le Seingeur Jésus-Christ.
Matthieu 9:36 dit:
« Voyant la foule, il fut ému de compassion pour elle, parce qu'elle était languissante et abattue, comme des brebis qui n’ont point de berger ».
- Jésus, voyant sa propre population sans prédication fidèle, comme des brebis sans berger et leur a enseigné.
- Il est très facile aujourd'hui de manipuler un chrétien sans vision ou la Parole de Dieu.
- Lorsque l'Evangile n’est pas prêchée, les gens vivent dans l'obscurité.
- Il est nécessaire de prêcher et enseigner l'Évangile du Christ.
Nous devons nous tenir ferme pour la vérité.
Cela signifie qu'ils sont privés de contraintes morales.
Le mot périr dans l’original d'abord «laisser nu" la nudite.
En d'autres termes, les vêtements sont retirés et que la personne est exposée à la haine, ou l'armure sont supprimées et il est ouvert au danger.
Perir signifie le peuple seront dispersés à l'étranger. Jésus, voyant son peuple comme des brebis qui n'ont point de berger. Quand il n'y a pas de point focal, il n’y a pas le point de ralliement.
Le mot Perir porte aussi le sens d’Osée 4:6.
"Mon peuple est détruit, parce qu’il lui manque la connaissance. »
Proverbes 29:18 C'est un message de l'église, un message pour vous et moi.
Peuple de Dieu, Périr c'est aussi etre en prison, donc nous avons besoin de la vision ou de la vérité qui est la Parole de Dieu et le Christ Lui-même dans nos vies afin que nous puissions être réellement libres.
Jean 8:32 et le verset 36 dit;
"32 Et vous connaîtrez la vérité, et la vérité vous rendra libres."
Ce n'est pas la vérité qui peut rendre quelqu'un libre, mais la connaissance de la vérité.
Qui est Jésus lui-même.
"36 Si donc le Fils vous affranchit, vous serez réellement libres."
La vraie liberte est dans le Fils. Pas de Fils, pas de liberte.
Le mot «LOI» dans les deux, l’Ancien et Nouveau Testaments, le mot loi met l'accent sur les commandes et les règlements de l'alliance mosaïque. Dans la plupart des cas, le mot loi ne fait pas référence à l'instruction dans un sens général, mais se concentre sur ce que Dieu exige son peuple a faire. Dans les deux, Ancien et Nouveau Testaments c'est évident, pour les verbes tels que «garder» et «faire» sont liés à la loi.
Les préceptes du Seigneur
Psaume 119:11 dit:
"Je serre ta parole dans mon cœur, Afin de ne pas pecher contre toi."
Peuple de Dieu, il n'y a qu'une seule façon pour nous d'être béni, nous devons garder et obéir à la loi et le bon endroit pour la mettre est dans notre cœur, comme David l’a fait.
Il ya une grande récompense dans l'observation et l'obéissance de la parole de Dieu. Psaume 19:11
Même Jésus-Christ Lui-même a dit, celui qui écoute et observe la Parole de Dieu, était plus beni que d'être sa propre mère. Luc 8:21 dit: "Il répondit:« Ma mère et mes frères sont ceux qui écoutent la parole de Dieu et la mettent en pratique ».
Cependant, la vraie bénédiction dans nos vies ne se trouve que dans le respect et l'obéissance de la loi, les préceptes de Dieu qui est en Jésus-Christ.
Les Saintes Écritures et la fidèle prédication d’elles donnent plus de valeur à un peuple que n'importe quel autre bénédiction.
La leçon est simple mais puissante. La Parole de Dieu est une grande bénédiction et l’obéir est le fondement du vrai bonheur, mais la où Parole de Dieu n'est pas prêché, les gens vont mourir dans l'ignorance et la folie de faim de la connaissance.
- Peuple de Dieu, nous avons besoin de vision, parce que sans vision nous allons tous périr;
- Et la vision ici est la Parole de Dieu qui est Jésus Christ lui-même;
- Voulez-vous obtenir la vision?
Jean 3:16 dit: "Car Dieu a tant aimé le monde qu'il a donné son Fils unique, afin que quiconque croit en lui ne périsse point, mais qu'il ait la vie éternelle.
Le Seigneur Jésus Christ est venu pour nous, afin que nous puissions avoir la vie éternelle.
Que Dieu Tout-Puissant vous bénisse
Église évangélique Peniel
Évangéliste FABIEN BONDO
E-mail :
Cell : +27 789425322
Passage - Proverbs 29:18
Compare Translations for
Proverbs 29:18
Where there is no
revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law.
Where there is no
vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
Where there is no
prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the
When people do not
accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is happy.
This is a book of wise sayings, for teaching people
how to live godly lives through the repetition of wise thoughts.
Solomon wrote most of these proverbs early in his
reign, with Agur and Lemuel contributing some of the later sections.
He was the Son of King David. When David died, he
succeeded him as King of Israel.
And during his 40 year reign, Solomon led the Nation to superpower status. (See
1 Kings 4:29-30).
The main theme of Proverbs, as we might expect, is the
nature of true wisdom. Solomon writes: “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;
only fools despise wisdom and discipline.”
He then proceeds to give hundreds of practical
examples of how to live according to godly wisdom.
The book of proverbs is divided into the following
three parts:
for young people ( 1:1 – 9:18)
for all people ( 10:1- 24:34)
C. Wisdom for the
leaders (25:1-31:31)
But for me today, I am going to focus on third part of
the book, specially chapter 29, the Proverbs which contrast wicked and
Righteous Relationship.
Proverbs 29:18 KJV , Says:
“Where there is no
vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”
I have titled my
message as the following:
Underline the Word “VISION”
VISION; According to John Maxwell
Awareness - The ability to see
Attitude – the Faith to believe
Action – The courage to do
Barna says: “Vision is a reflection of what God wants to accomplish
through us to build His Kingdom”
Vision here is the Hebrew word
Which means divine revelation or
direction, insight from God?
It is not a dream to
build a big church, which is not bad but in this context VISION is the Word of God. God’s
guidance or direction for His people.
It is a way by which
God makes known His thoughts to His people.
This means the instruction in God’s truth, which was by the prophets, through
The message here was not addressed to the pagan people, but to God’s
people. Therefore, where there is no
vision, there is no light which is the Word of God and Jesus Christ Himself,
but only darkness prevails.
John 1:1 and verse 14
14 The Word became flesh
and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the
Father, full of grace and truth.”
People of God, there is a big danger to live without
the Word of God, without Jesus Christ we are going to perish, this is a great
opportunity for you and me to make a clear choice between Light and darkness,
Life and Death.
David says in Psalm 119:105:
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”
1 Samuel 3:1 Says:
“1 The boy Samuel ministered before the LORD under Eli. In those
days the word of the LORD was rare; there were not many
This was a dark time and great disaster for Israel, the Glory of God was
departed, Eli the Priest and his two sons were dead, therefore, God called
Samuel to bring back His Word among the people.
Today, people of God we do not have Samuel the prophet but the one who
is Greater than Samuel, Jesus Christ.
Matthew 9:36 Says:
“36 When he saw the
crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were
harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”
Jesus saw His own people without faithful preaching, as sheep without shepherd
and taught them.
It is very easy today to manipulate a Christian without Vision or Word
of God.
Where the Gospel is not preached, people are living in darkness.
There is need for to preach and teach the Gospel of Christ.
We have to stand firm for the truth.
This means they are deprived of moral restraints.
The word Perish in the original means first of all “to
make naked”
In other words, garments are taken away and the person
is exposed to sham, or armor is removed and he is open to danger.
Perish means people will be scattered abroad. Jesus
saw His people as sheep having no shepherd. When there is no focal point, there
is no rallying point.
The word Perish also carries the meaning of Hosea 4:6.
“My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.
"Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests;
because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your
Proverbs 29:18 is a
message the church, a message for you and me.
People of God to
perish is also to live in prison, therefore, we need the Vision or the truth which
the Word of God and Christ Himself in our lives so that we may be Free indeed.
John 8:32 and verse 36
“32 Then you will know the truth,
and the truth will set you free.”
It is not the truth which can set
someone free, but the Knowledge of the Truth.
“36 So if the Son sets you
free, you will be free indeed.”
The Word “LAW” In both the
Old and New Testaments, the word law focuses on the commands and
regulations of the Mosaic covenant. In most instances the word law
does not refer to instruction in a general sense but concentrates on what God
demands that his people do. In both the Old and New Testaments this is
apparent, for verbs like “keep” and “do” are linked with the law.
The precepts of
the Lord
Psalm 119:11 says:
“I have hidden your word in my heart that
I might not sin
against you.”
People of God, there is only one way for us to be blessed, we must keep
and obey the Law, and the right place to put it is in our heart as David did.
There is great reward in having and obeying the word of God. Psalm 19:11
Even Jesus Christ Himself, told a person that hearing and keeping the
Word of God, was greater blessing than being His own mother. Luke 8:21 says: “He
replied, "My mother and
brothers are those who hear God's word and put it into practice.”
However, True Blessing in our lives
is only found in keeping and obeying the Law, the precepts of God which is in
Jesus Christ.
The Holy Scriptures and Faithful
preaching of them provide more value to a people than any other blessing.
The lesson is simple but powerful.
God’s Word is a great blessing and obeying it is the basis for true happiness; but
where the Word of God is not preached, the people will die in ignorance and
folly from starvation for Knowledge
People of God, there is a need for Vision, because without we will all
And the Vision here is the Word of God which is Jesus Christ Himself;
Would you like to get the Vision?
John 3:16 says : "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have
eternal life.
Jesus came to us so that we might
have Eternal Life.
God Almighty bless you
Peniel Evangelical Church
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